We have a lot of exciting news to share on the first day of September 2021!
First check our whole store for tons of new items for our fall collection drop today. Featuring 7 new designs available in t-shirts, tank tops, long sleeves, hoodies and tote bags. Use the code SEPTEMBER21 to get 15% off your entire order now through Labor Day (Mon Sept 6.) Be sure to browse all the pages to see the new items in each category.
Today September 1st also marks the last day of our usage at the Artisan’s Asylum maker-space in Somerville, MA. We have called this wonderful place our home for the last year since July 2020 when we moved in during a pandemic to our new production studio, our very first office. In this community we have met so many talented and helpful people, won new members to the Uhuru Solidarity Movement and printed many many shirts! The space is closing due to the whole facility relocating to Allston, MA into a much bigger and newly renovated space closer to downtown Boston. We are very grateful for all the people we have met here and hope to stay in touch.
Goodbye to our studio at the Artisan’s Asylum! This was our home from July 2020 - August 2021
Our final biggest announcement is that we are relocating our entire office to St. Louis, Missouri by the end of 2021! We are honored to make our new home in the international center of the African Liberation Movement, home of the Black Power Blueprint. Uhuru Planet’s new office space will be within the new Solidarity Center purchased by the African People’s Solidarity Committee. In this space APSC will host a regular program of events, political education workshops, film nights and other activities to win white people to a stance of reparations and material solidarity to raise resources for the Black Power Blueprint, an anti-gentrification project in North St. Louis led by the black working-class community to build self-determination and economic development.
Sales from Uhuru Planet directly go towards making this Solidarity Center a reality with a thriving program of events. For us to move across country will cost over $1000 for this historic relocation. Can you contribute towards our moving costs by making a donation today? Click here to make a contribution of any amount to help us reach our goal.