Omali Yeshitela Speaks


Omali Yeshitela Speaks


This book by Omali Yeshitela, Chairman of the African People's Socialist Party and leader of the Uhuru Movement, is long-overdue. A collection of speeches, articles and interviews in many settings, this book covers countless topics affecting African people and of interest to anyone looking for answers about the crisis of today's world. In a down-to-earth, easily understood style Yeshitela lays out the most profound concepts of his ground breaking, revolutionary theory of African Internationalism which exposes why African people are impoverished and catching hell everywhere on the planet while the white world is powerful and prosperous. Yeshitela's analysis from the point of view of the enslaved explains the nature of parasitic capitalism which is built on and maintained by slavery, genocide and colonial domination. With his vision for a positive future, the Chairman lays out his bold plan to liberate Africa and African people everywhere.

With a foreword by Luwezi Kinshasa

Pages: 380
Cover: soft
Published Date: 2005
ISBN-13: 978-1-891624-03-2

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